I didn't get much stitching done during this, and none at all on large projects. Just some little stuff except for QS Lovers. So here's a few before-and-after pics! Sorry for the hoop marks - I left one in the hoop waaaaayyyy longer than I meant to! I also completely missed the TUSAL post - maybe I'll take a pic, anyway, since I haven't put any of my April orts in the bottle yet :D
QS Lovers
Before (this was my IHSW project, which I didn't get to post about due to being doped up on cold meds - no matter what, those things put me dead asleep! Even non-drowsy ones!)

After - I made it to the right side of page one and did some small confetti stitches. This pic looks very blue & purple, but it's really greys. My flash isn't working.

Finished up the Sprite that needed two colors:

By Missy, from the DorkStitch blog. This isn't a game Sprite, she is a costume Sprite, I guess you'd call her. A Victorian-era day dress.
Did some more work on 'Welcome Guests', one of my crazy January starts.


And 'Home is Where the Cat Is' another Crazy January start


I'm a little unhappy with this one, beyond the hoop marks - the pic on the front of the kit shows three distinct shades of blue in the chair, but the actual floss has the dark and medium colors really, really close. I didn't notice it until I was taking the pic, but since I've stitched all of the medium and most of the dark, I'm not taking it out. I'll live with it! There is more distinction than this picture shows; hopefully I'll have my flash fixed for the next one.
I have a lot of catching up on comments here and posts on other blogs! Over 900 posts in my blog reader! Yikes! Talk to you guys soon!