My First Ever Finish! In high-school Home-Ec class:

I put an 'A' on it for my baby sister - first project and I had to add/change things...
Large Finishes (5x7 and up):

'Siamese' from a Leisure Arts booklet. The first thing I started (and finished, boy those days didn't last long!) when I started stitching again.

Garden Bunnies - a free pattern from a website. Free Patterns dot com?
My second start/finish

From an untitled Gloria&Pat book. My third start/finish, with colors and text changed to be an anniversary prezzie for my parents

The Lord's Prayer: I started this kit back in High School, and finished it years later. My fourth finish.

a Dimensions kit. I no longer kept track of my finishes, unfortunately, so from now on they are in no particular order.

from Endangered Young'ins by Gloria&Pat

His Kingdom - a Bucilla kit

Everlasting Light - a Bucilla kit

Going to Market - I think this was a Dimensions/Sunset kit

Mother's Bliss - Mirabilia

My Mother, My Friend - Lizzie*Kate

Mother's Tree - Lavender & Lace

Newton Bear, for my sister. From a magazine, I think.

Bent Creek, I think. Adjusted to fit a smaller frame

She Sings - from a magazine, in memory of our sweet girl

Rooster Baby, by EMS, when it was a freebie. You have to buy these patterns now.

A Saviour - a Bucilla kit

Schoolhouse Sampler (with unintentional brother-reflection :D!) from a Just Cross Stitch magazine

A Sister by Lizzie*Kate. I eventually had this one professionally framed.

Snow Kat - I forget who designs these... Kats by Kelly?

Stress Reduction Kit - pattern only, not a kit. Bought but I can't remember the designer. Got it at stitchingbitsandbobs.com

Mulberry House - from an old 1980's magazine

Wahoo! by Bent Creek. I stitched this when I changed jobs in 2002? and was soooooooooo much happier!

Wedding Blessing, by Dragon Dreams. Stitched for my baby sister.

January Retro Cat - an online freebie. Not actually 5x7, but solid stitching so I'm listing it here.

Coffee Morning - a freebie by the Sampler Girl. This was my first finish in either '09 or '10

His Burden is Light - by Gloria and Pat. I stitched this one a LONG time ago for my Mum and I still owe her the boy. I left the words off and will be stitching her name on it. It will be an anniversary gift eventually, with the boy and a third piece.

Follow Your Heart - by Lizzie*Kate

The Princess - a Dimensions Kit. Done for my Gran, who has a little white doggie named Princess who is spoiled unbelivably rotten.

Dad - by Bent Creek. For, oddly enough, my Dad

Adam and Eve - from Leisure Arts. First of a series for my mum

Cold Hands, a freebie by Barbara Ann

Claddagh - a freebie, but I think the site is gone

Achoo! by Dimensions. My first start in either '09 or '10. Finshed in the same year - how shocking!

Sheep for Thee, by Bent Creek

SK Mermaid of the Deep - A HAED pattern, from the Freebie SAL in the first half of 2010.

Vash the Stampede, from the anime Trigun. pattern by me

Spike, the der-lish-ious vampire from Buffy; the Vampire Slayer and Angel; the Series. pattern by me.

Demonhunter Logo stitched for my brother. pattern by me

God's Grace - from Cross Country Stitching Magazine. Fin 2011

Dolphin Play - Creative Accents kit - fin 2011

Chibi-Sev by me - fin 2011

Our Daily Bread - fin 2011

Mom by Bent Creek - fin 2011

1984 Santa

Loon, fin 2011

Nautical, fin 2011
Antique Little Girls - my Grandmother loved this!
The Cook's Guide - from an old Workbasket magazine, I think. My Mum thought this was so funny!
Welcome Guests - a very old kit but not an old finish. 2012?
Chibi-Severus the 2nd. I'm still thinking of redoing his face.
Home Is Where The Cat Is. The floss colors didn't quite match the picture, but still cute!
Precious Moments 'Oh HOW I Love Jesus' to go with 'His Burden is Light'. I left the words off and will stitch my father's name, instead.
'God Bless America' I think this was a Janlynn kit, and finished in 2014? Or late 2013.
A Lizzie*Kate I stitched for my Brother - It said 'Dad' but I changed it,
I found this in a really old book and did it up for my brother, also.
And this one is also for my brother. He used to live in Georgia. Think that's my sis in the reflection. I need a better picture of this one.
Small Finishes:

Piglet, from a Leisure Arts book

LandL freebie - Bride's Tree ornament from 2010.

freebie. A Bride's Tree ornament from 2010

my design. A Bride's Tree ornie

Kimiko from the Vermillion site, when she was free

freebie, adjusted by me. A Bride's Tree ornie

a 99cent Christmas kit

Pooh, from a Leisure Arts book

a Lizzie*Kate freebie

by Lizzie*Kate

Eeyore, from an LA booklet

a kit found at a yard sale

from a GandP book

freebie - a 2010 Bride's Tree bit

Roy, a former freebie from Vermillion, now available in book format

a Sprite (all Sprite patterns are by Missy) this is Scarlett from the game Farm Frenzy

a freebie, for the Bride's Tree

a $.99 kit - I love Smileys

Snowman Birdhouse - another bitty kit.

Smiley Flower - also a bitty dollar kit

Sweepin' Snowman - once again, a dollar kit

Tea for Two - a freebie from freepatterncentral? I think. Only stitched part, for the Bride's Tree

Thank You tags - sent to soldiers in the early 2000's, part of a nation-wide SAL by patternsonline.com

Pumpkin Kitty, by Brittercup

Cid, Kadaj, Irvine, Reno, Sephiroth, and Vicent, all from Final Fantasy

Jill, from the game Cake Mania

Hummingbird, a dollar kit stitched for the Bride's Tree

A Hug Will Do - Lizzie*Kate freebie

Winter Church - dollar kit

Christmas Horn - dollar kit

Ho Ho Snowman - dollar kit

Santa Ho Ho - dollar kit. I think these names were badly translated...

Hemmed - from a Leisure Arts booklet. For Mum.

Hearts in a Basket - freebie for Bride's Tree

I made this hat for my father, who is a minister. There is no pattern. I did eventually block it.

Bad Hare Day - from a freebie sheet added to an order from the Bits-and-Bobs site. I loved it!

Haku Yowane from Vocaloid, Knives and Ramona from Scott Pilgrim. my sis wanted these.

Gingerbread House - dollar kit

Gingerbread Man - dollar kit

Friends Forever - stitched for my friend Dana when I moved

Shut It - from an LA booklet - for Mum

Flo from Diner Dash

Monogram stitched for a friend with the online name Draconayzia

Christmas Stocking #1 of 30

Church - dollar kit

Candle - dollar kit. This was the first dollar kit I stitched and OMG I hated it. I had to frog it over, and over, and OVER... I ended up not touching the others for years because this one was so horrible.

Bunny - a freebie for the Bride's Tree

Proof of God - from a Leisure Arts book. Given to my Mum.

Christmas Stocking #2 of 30

Gojyo from Saiyuki

Cloud from Final Fantasy VII (Advent Children version)

Bloom - a L*K freebie

Christmas Stocking #3 of 30

Tudor Rose Garden - a Pam Kellogg freebie

Sanzo from Sayuki

This came from a Leisure Arts booklet with the whole alphabet - 'A' for my sister Alison and 'A' is for Audio, our cat. For my sisters 10th birthday. Audio is still alive and now lives with me, but he's Ali's cat through and through!

The Gundam Wing Pilots, by missy

A wee Snowman freebie

Santa freebie - a Bride's Tree stitch. He's on the light fabric because I plan to finish him a certain way... hope it works!

Christmas Stocking #4 of 30

Hakkai from Saiyuki

Goku from Saiyuki

Loz from Final Fantasy

Yazoo from Final Fantasy

Christmas Stocking #5 of 30

Christmas Stocking #6 of 30

Christmas Stocking #7 of 30

Cloud (different outfit) from Final Fantasy

Zack from Final Fantasy

Genesis from Final Fantasy

Christmas Stocking #8 of 30

Aerith Version #1

Aerith Version #2

Christmas Stocking #9 of 30

Christmas Stocking #10 of 30

Selphie and Tifa, from Final Fantasy

Christmas Stocking #11 of 30

Christmas Stocking #12 of 30

He-Man (from 'He-Man and the Masters of the Universe') and Squall from Final Fantasy

Christmas Stocking #13 of 30

She-Ra from He-Man and Rinoa from Final Fantasy

Bear-y Christmas, a $1 kit

Bethlehem, a $1 kit

Christmas Stocking #14 of 30

Christmas Stocking #15 of 30

Mothers, a $1 kit
Christmas Stocking #16 of 30
Stocking #17 of 30
Lizzie Did It
Victorian House Dress
Stocking #18
Stocking #19
Stocking #20
Avengers Sprites! I have requested Bucky and Agent Coulson!
Stocking #21
A $1 Wal-Mart kit
Another $1 Wal-Mart kit
Stocking #22
Another $1 kit!
Stocking #23 That's supposed to be an owl, I think! So small on the cover you couldn't tell he had a bunny, either!
Stocking #24
Another $1 kit!
Stocking #25
Stocking #26
Stocking #27
Stocking #28
Stocking #29
Stocking #30, which finishes the set!