I've been working on Rapture, but most of the work has been turning this:

into this:

Much better! Now maybe I can get back to the stitching - I really, REALLY want to work on Ice Wind but I need some progress on Rapture first.
I have a love/hate relationship with two things in cross stitching
1. French Knots
2. Rustico Fabric
So that made this little ornament really, really ...interesting.

I do like the way the Rustico fabric breaks up the monotony of all that antique white. I'm not using the big piece of fabric that came with the kit; I started to cut it up per the kit instructions, then I remembered that once upon I time I had bought someone's abandoned stitching at a yard sale. In the bag were a lot of little squares of antique white, all backstitched with the word 'His' or 'Hers'. I have no idea what they were supposed to be for - maybe coasters? Anyway, I've been frogging out the backstitching and using the squares for ornaments and Sprites.
There were a few squares of Rustico among the white, all of them with very badly stitched little hearts, like so:

I feel a little guilty for frogging out someone else's work, even if the stitches do go in all directions, but not guilty enough not to do it. And now I have the big piece of kit fabric left to play with, so, bonus!
Hopefully I'll have a pic of Rapture later this week - happy stitching!