And see what the lovely mailperson brought me! An autographed copy of 'Fantasy Wedding Blessing' by Dragon Dreams!!! It was sent to me for free by the designer, Jennifer Aikman-Smith. And it came without being bent! All the way from Canada to WV! Absolutely amazing... now to get the pretty silk floss I need so I can start it! Sis gets married in August. The photo kind of washed out the pic of the pattern, but trust me, it's a beauty.
I stopped at a yard sale on my way home from the post office, and found these:
An ornament kit, four yards of metallic gold-red-and-green trim, and a cute lil' doll with a basket full of tiny sewing notions. And I got it all for $2!
Here's a slightly better view of the doll... she needs a little TLC, but she's adorable... and if I can't get her looking better, I can always steal her notions for another project... hehehe...
And last, does anybody know the name of this pattern/kit? Or which company it's from? My aunt wants it - she found the picture, but had no information and I don't think I've ever seen it before.
Wow, a free signed chart! That's almost too special to use. :) Your doily looks brilliant. I wish I could crochet, but I just don't have the brain for it.