
Pattern: 'Creation' from the book 'Beloved Bible Story Samplers' by Praying Hands
Fabric: 14ct ivory
Floss: DMC
Finished Size: 5 1/2x9 inches
Not the best picture in the world - seems like when my camera works, my scanner dies, and when my scanner works, my camera vanishes. Right now, neither is working! agh! and I had to borrow my mum's old one.
And since I never finish anything without starting something else - which is why my WIP list never shrinks! So here's my newest little start, 'Trick or Kitty Treat' from the Halloween issue of Just Cross Stitch. It's done over one on 28ct. Here's about an hour's work:
I didn't bother cutting the fabric down smaller because I'm not sure how I'm going to finish this one yet.
Not enough knitting done to post a new pic, but I'm still working on that scarf!!!
Yes, I realize that I may be insane for trying this, but come on! I'll be a geeky-hero! I'll have made my very own Tom-Baker Dr. Who scarf!!! *wibbles happily* I found the pattern(s) here. I added it up, and if I did my math right, it's got 1,040 rows for Season 12's scarf. It's traditionally about 14 feet long.
So here is my very small, very sad looking little scarf so far:
Yeah, so a knitting genius I am not. Lol - pretty bad, actually! The right side isn't wavy like that, though, I just didn't smooth it out as good I as should when I was taking the pic. The purple showed up black, but in real life it actually is purple. I really need to buy a new cable for the good camera.
I estimate I'll be done with this scarf in about 87 years. By then, though, maybe my knitting will look a little better.
And possibly go a little faster... O_o
This is going to be my mother's birthday gift. It's called 'Creation' and is from a pattern book called 'Beloved Bible Stories'. (not affilliated with site, and have yet to order from them. Just the best link I could find) They're all very primitive looking, which she really likes. And the colors will look good in her house, too.