I got two gift cards for Christmas - one is reserved for a trip to JoAnns for floss.
The other I was specifically told to get patterns :D
I'm very obedient - yes, I am!
So I got those HAEDs in the last post, and I've spent the last on these:
Julie posted about
this site, and I decided to try them out and see how good their patterns are, because they are
beautifully cheap! They're all shown in virtual stitches so as long as the color blends turn out, most of them should be very nice. Some are a little too patchy and pixellated for me, but I liked these (and put about eight more on a wishlist)

This looks exactly like my cat Audio!
Night Hunter

The Goth Chick will try to steal this one
Looking West

I love these colors!
Then patternsonline.com was having a sale, so I got the last four of the EMS Animal Babies that I
wanted needed. Now I have the whole collection of the animals, but I still need two of the Snowbabies. I got most of them when they used to be free; I've had to buy very few.
I got Snail Baby, Moose Baby, Parrot Baby, and Catepillar Baby.

I'm in a very happy-stash place right now! I need to get some fabric, but I'm hoping for a little Christmas bonus from work for that. JoAnn's doesn't have very much of the smaller counts, which is what I want, but I will be getting a lot of floss on my trip!
I also made a small payment on the HAED layaway I had... now my gift card is allllll gone.
I'll show you my progress on Nautical tomorrow! Thanks for reading!