DILEMNA: (definition) A dilemma (Greek: δί-λημμα "double proposition") is a problem offering two possibilities, neither of which is practically acceptable.
I was showing my Mum some pics of
Julie's 'Portrait of Christ' project, because she's very religious and loves things like that. She liked the pictures, and then sighed a bit and said, 'It's been awhile since you've made me something religious', which is true. I stitched her The Lord's Prayer back in 2004 (I think).
So I actually had the same pattern that Julie's working with, in kit form, so I went and found it. I also, for the heck of it, pulled out every other kit I had with a picture of Jesus on it and took them all to Mum's house. I laid them out on her counter and said, 'Pick one, and I'll see if I can't get it done for your and Da's anniversary.' That's December 31st, and it's their 40th. So, it needs something special.
These were her choices:

She surprised me by picking up Psalm 23, and said 'I like this one, but your Da will like this one' and she picked up O, Jerusalem. (Those happen to be the two biggest kits. One is 16x20 and the other is 14x19.)

She told me to pick, and trotted off to change clothes because she was going somewhere. Meanwhile, my Da came home and asked what the kits were. I said I was trying to decide which to stitch for them, and did he have a preference? He looked at all of them, picked up O, Jerusalem, and said, 'I like this one, but your Mum will like that one'.
And pointed to Psalm 23.
I think they have been married tooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo long!
I told them so, and showed them each other's choices, which they thought was hilarious.
So here's my dilemna - which one? Or - both?
Either way, I've given myself a rule this year - two finishes before one new start. So it will be at least the end of this month before one is started. I've been working like mad on Fred all day today, and I'll have an update of him tomorrow, because if I really focus, he
could be done this month. But which (or both) would you guys choose?