These first ones are the two projects that are riding about in my two different bags (only one is actual 'purse' size). I have two different part time jobs and I need different stuff for each one, so I just put a project in each bag. Sometimes, the smaller bag goes in the bigger bag, too, but oh well XD.
Fizzy Moon 'Friends' is riding around in one since I finished 'Love, Love, Love'. It did look like this after its Maynia turn:
Now it looks like this:
Nearly done!
Next is my 'Live Simply' kit by Dimensions:
Last time I showed it, it looked like this:
And I've made pretty good progress on it for something that might get 15 minutes a day!
And here is one you guys have not seen before (I think) - I was going to a doctor about 15 minutes away, once every month or so, and sitting in her waiting room for about an hour. I had a little purse I took with me only then and this kit was in it. It is 'Coffee Chalkboard' by Janlynn.
Sorry about the orts in there - didn't notice them until I had uploaded the pic! Here's how far I got with it before I switched doctors - last month? Yes, in April. It has not been worked on since, because I was taking 'Love, Love, Love' with me to the new one.
I will say that there is stitching on the chart that is not in model picture, and stitching in the model picture that is not on the chart. So I'm picking what I like and leaving out what I don't :D This one is going to be my 'to-the-doctor' kit again, though, because 'Love, Love, Love' is done! I finished it up on April 26th. Here's how it looked:
And the last row finished it off! Now it just needs a bath and to be ironed before I start saving up for framing :D
It still makes me think of the Beatles song!
I was going to post about these kits once a week but I think I will make it once a month - I don't know if I will actually have progress on any of them once a week. My new doctor is an hour and a half away (but so much better), but I can't stitch in a moving vehicle on curvy roads and only the last half hour is on the four-lane. I live in the boonies, you know! And once I get there, I rarely have to wait more than 10 minutes (so nice!)
I'll do my best to remember to post about these next month - someone remind me if I forget!
Happy Stitching!