Stocking #12 is done.

It's a lovely wee cardinal.
I changed only one thing on this one (yes, the weird claw is all the pattern's fault) The berries were supposed to be outlined in dark green; I decided this was a printing error since it looked hideous. So I redid them in blue.
I also worked on my boat sampler a little; the red floss hasn't been used in a
very long time, as you can see from when I unwound it. I used to always wind the leftover lengths around the skien paper before I discovered bobbins. Sometimes I still do. Anyway, it was very curly.

Please pardon the messy bookshelves and the fireplace missing a tile. I never said I was neat. Or that I knew how to glue tile. :D
'Cause I ain't.
And I don't.
And yes, there is a stuffed penguin on my mantle. It's not supposed to be there, but it has been for several weeks.
Here's the progress, such as it is. A little bit of sails, some backstitching, some flags.

I thought, after using Rustico for a couple of my stockings, that it would be intersting to stitch some on red and green. I had some red, but no green. A quick trip to eBay netted me these:

All for $1.29. Eight pieces, 12x18, and an extra dark brown as a bonus.
It's been a good mail week. I got this for free from a book-swap site... A project for January, when it will be cold and I will need some :D

And since this post could have been titled 'Everything but the Kitchen Sink', I'll add a note that I had more fun with blog pages and made a Wishlist page. It's up top.
Now, since my actual Kitchen Sink is full of dishes, I really must be going. I have to find some other way of avoiding washing them!