I had a
lot of doctor's visits the last two weeks - I switched doctors and this one is so very, very thorough!
So not a lot of time for posting, and sadly not a lot of time for stitching. But here's the bit I have done!
So, Fizzy Moon kit 'Friends' was start #3 for StitchMaynia:
And I got this far, mostly sitting in waiting rooms:
I like that stripey red hat! I did make one counting mistake in out - I've pulled out the wrong stitches, but I have to put one stitch of dark red back in. This one is interesting - it has those funny stacked stitches that you only seem to see in British patterns.
Here was my choice for start #4:
My father loves the 'Footprints in the Sand' story, so this will be for him. One of my first cross stitch projects was the Lord's Prayer done almost all in backstitch so this will sort of match. That one has been hanging on my parents' wall for years.
There are several versions of this story done in cross stitch - one is a kit by Bucilla - but this is the one I like the most. For one thing, it has the whole story on it, and I really like the 'delicate' look of it. I'm stitching it on the recommended fabric, which is 28ct Mushroom Lugana. It's not quite the same color as pictured, though. I wonder if the color has changed since this pattern was published? I know you can tell from the price that it's pretty old! It was published in 1985.
This one didn't go to the doctors with me, as I don't like taking something this big. So it got a total of two evenings work on it:
It was slightly slow going even then, as I got the hang of doing backstitched words over two. I don't think I've done that before! I was just getting in the groove when it was time to switch projects - that's the only thing I don't like about my rotation!
And here is start #5! I started it on the 20th. It's from this lovely book, and I'm doing the one on the cover.
No doctor visits for a few days, so I'm hoping for some good progress :D It's charted for NPI silks, but I can't afford those, so I'm doing the DMC conversion. The colors are therefore a little different, but you'll see when I post my progress picture. Hopefully, not as late as this time!
I do want to show you my 'purse' kits and their progress but I'll save that for tomorrow - maybe make a Sunday tradition of it :D They usually get a little work done on them every week.
For now, though, here is (yet another) China pre-printed kit :D :D :D I actually got this one a while ago but forgot to post about it. It's not one of my brand-new goodies. I do love it, though!
The listing only called it 'Horses' so I will have to see what the name actually is. It's a very nice stylized drawing. This one has 14 pages, half of which are smaller pages. So it's roughly the same as a HAED Quick-Stitch.
Except of course, on giant fabric XD This one is 3 feet long and about 1 1/2 feet high. It came with two needles and has a lot of floss colors (37, I think), and one of the big twisted skeins of extra floss. I thought it would be black, but actually the darkest color on the piece is a very dark green. So there's a green horse in there!
Here is is with the 8x10 booklet laying on it. I blacked out the floss key, so no one can yell at me about showing what is almost a pattern. I don't think anyone could see the picture well enough to stitch from it but why risk it?
Well, that's all for me tonight - I'll try to show my purse kits and maybe my diamond painting tomorrow!
Happy Stitching!!!