I had to work all of last week except for Thursday, when I spent all day at the dentist. This week I had to work all day Sunday and then spent Monday with Mum's family and Tuesday with Dad's.
So, of course, the Eagle is not done, but I'm getting closer!
Here's the result from IHSW - added Medium Grey

and then I got about half of the Dark Grey done and finished up later:

Since then I've added Medium Golden Brown:

And while stitching that, discovered I had skipped some quarter stitches of Medium Yellow up among the feathers of his wingtip, and that I had completely ignored the line of Golden Brown (the lightest shade) that highlights his wing. So I added those and a few quarter stitches that I had also managed to skip on his head:

Now I have only four colors left! Two shades of brown, two shades of red, and then on to the backstitching! (And a couple of dark grey stitches I only just now saw were missing!) I'm currently working on a red, and although I had to work today and I have to work the next four days, two of them are at the job site that I'm allowed to stitch, so I have some high hopes!
Also, there was a payday, therefore there was WSnB!
Eye Spy

and Afternoon Promenade

And I'm trying to decide which chart to knock off my wishlist in the HAED sale that starts tomorrow! I'd love to do another layaway, but I swore I'd pay one off first. Anyone else going to grab one?