Isn't the lamb cute? I love how the designer gave some of these such a subtle stocking shape! If it wasn't for the decoration at the top, this wouldn't look like a stocking at all, at least to me.
I ran into a problem when I decided to look at the finishing instructions for these - I used the size of fabric that came in the kit, although I swapped the huge piece out for smaller, already-cut bits I had. However, the template for cutting them, and cutting the felt backing, is tiny. There are no instructions to increase its size but there is no way they are going to fit. Even if I had used 18 count instead of 14 count. Maybe 20 count would fit.
You can just color me completely confused.
Anyway - Wednesday I worked on 'Oops' while I was at work (four extra shifts this week! Eek!) and I stitched all the leaves. Today I stitched the wee mousie that's hiding in the basket, and backstitched all the leaves and most of the stems. I want to get the basket backstitched before I show a picture of that, but here's the leaves all stitched up!

And for the fun of it, another HAED! This one is from an old layaway, I forgot to show it:
The Gardener by Alison Spokes

This is the 'mock-up' in virtual stitches - the detail looks great to me! The background is sort of patchy, but I'm pondering stitching her one of those fabrics dyed to look like a cloudy sky. I used to adore ladybugs, and I do love a garden! So she was an easy pick for me. (Too many of them are easy picks for me - lol!)