I don't know who started this meme, but I thought I'd see what I could dig up:
What's your oldest stitching work-in-progress? How many years has it been since you worked on it? How close is it to being finished? Do you think you'll ever finish it? What are some other old WIPs/UFOs that you have? Show pictures if possible!Here's my oldest UFO:

It's called 'Our Daily Bread' and I paid a dollar for the whole kit back in... 1993, I think. This is all that was ever done. I don't have a picture of what it's supposed to look like - I don't even know for sure if I still have the chart, although I do have the fabric and floss. I'd like to finish it someday, but only if the chart is still around. It's no longer to my taste - it wasn't really to my taste when I bought it, but I had just learned to stitch and all I could find were cheap little kits.
These two are my second oldest - they're both UFOs right now but I'd like to get at least one of them back in progress in 2010.
'The Wave' by Dimensions:

I bought this one in 2001 I think. Could have been '02. I started cross stitching again in '01 so I think it was that year, but I started in November so who knows?! I would have it about 1/4 done if all the stitching I've done on it had been allowed to stay in, but I've pulled it all out twice and finally restarted it on a new piece of fabric. It currently looks like this:

Amazing, huh? :D I definitely plan to finish this one. I want to get Fred done first, though.
This is my other old UFO - 'Cluttered Country' by Jeremiah Junction. I bought this one and The Wave around the same time, so I can't actually remember which is older. I didn't keep notes on my stitching at the time. This one was supposed to be for my Mum.

It currently looks
almost like this:

I remember that I stopped working on it when she changed her decor, but I had gotten a wee bit further than this. I think I finished the shelf and the basket. I can't quite remember. She's changed back to country stuff now - I plan to dig this one out and finish it soon. It's a surprisingly easy stitch.
These are not - in any way! - the only UFOs that I have. Just the oldest. I'm afraid to count up how many things I actually have in-progress.
In othere stitchy-news, I'm almost done with my nephew's Spiderman afghan, and I'm up to 28 hours on 'Mother's Tree'. I haven't scanned it though, since it sadly doesn't look that much different.