My Huge Work in Progress List!


Saturday, January 18, 2014

Projects #14 and #15

I probably won't post again until after IHSW but here are the next two I've worked on this month!

#14 - Started 'The Cold Snowman' by Bent Creek.  Didn't get very far yet!

 photo cold1_zps8162654d.jpg

#15 - Got out my WIP, Chang Wu Fei.  I took a close up for the before pic, of the area I plan to work on:

 photo cwJan14_zps201dc1b6.jpg

and the first day I got this much done.  The colors in the second picture are much more accurate!  My goal on him before the February Turtle Trot is to get the next big chunk of 775 on this page done, and maybe more of the stitches around it.

 photo cwJan14a_zpsb1fc74e8.jpg


  1. Great new start Tama and Chang Wu Fei is looking good.


  2. That top one should go pretty fast! I was looking for some altered art books the other day and stumbled on a couple cross stitching pattern books I forgot that I had. So many projects, so little time!
