I honestly had no idea what to do for this letter. Until I happened to glance at a picture hanging on my wall.
I love anime and manga.
Love it. Japanese cartoon-movies and graphic novels. They are not little-kid stuff. Some of them have dark themes. Some are really dramatic. Some are full of angst and love stories and incredibly imaginative sci-fi futuristic plots.
One of the best is Trigun. Once again,
not for little kids. Not even the cleaned-up version they show on Cartoon Network. It's called a Space Western (!) and people die.
Lots of people. And quite messily sometimes.
Then the next minute you're laughing out loud at this idiot - Vash.
Who, in the best tradition of anime, can go from this -
to this -
to this -
and beyond, in the blink of an eye.
Vash the Stampede, the sixty billion double-dollar man. That's the reward that's on his head for destroying an entire city (which he can't remember doing, which is amusing at first and later it's really,
really dark and serious. I'm really not explaining this very well!) He's also called the Humanoid Typhoon.
Anyway, I adore Vash. He's such an idiot! and then he turns around and is fierce and deadly and protective... I really recommend just watching some of the anime. There's lots of it on youtube. Lots of swearing, though, if you find the non-edited version.
I made a pattern of Vash in PCStitch a few years ago - the first one I made and then actually stitched! Since he's all I could come up with for today, I thought I'd show you his progress shots.
I can't find the original picture, but this is the pattern picture.
Left half done:
And finished:
I also stitched Sprite versions of Vash, Wolfwood, Millie and Meryl, by

And that's 'V' done! For letter W - the last theme-collection of kits I have!