My Huge Work in Progress List!


Tuesday, April 2, 2013

A is for Angel

So - the first post of the A-Z Challenge, I took advantage of the Turtle-Trot pieces I already had out, and decided to go with Angels.

I have four big Angel pieces in so-called progress:

Lavender and Lace's Angel of Grace currently looks like this:

 photo gracie_zps3b07a81b.jpg

I got her in my q-snaps yesterday and did the few stitches of 902 that the needle is coming from.  It's the beginning of the two long ribbons from her bustle.  When done, she will look like this:

 photo ag_zpsecea93c7.jpg

Next is Mirabilia's Archangel:

 photo arch_zpsab9edd6b.jpg

He is the first project that I ever tried over-one stitching on. The pattern doesn't call for it, but I had seen other people working Mirabilia's with over-one skin and it looked so pretty. I thought this was soooooo hard, though!  I bet after the HAEDs I've been working on since then, he'll be a lot easier!  He's being stitched on Silkweaver's 'Thunderstorm', and I will try and get a good picture of the fabric - you can't tell how gorgeous it is in this shot.  Do please excuse the fold lines, he's been in a box for quite a while.

He'll look like this when finished:

 photo archpic_zps10bc8285.jpg

And this is one I don't think I've ever talked about on this blog - Lavender and Lace's Peace Angel.

I have most of a wing done:

 photo peace_zps4267888b.jpg

The reason I've not worked on her in a long time - it's been years, actually, and I had to hunt for awhile until I found her box - is that I started her very early in my stitching career and after getting this far, suddenly realized - this fabric is a lot narrower than I thought!

 photo pfab1_zps999d72b0.jpg

She will look like this:

 photo pa_zps7e2a1cf1.jpg

And I did not think she was going to fit and she had been so hard - first linen, first over-two project - that I knew I didn't want to restart her.  I was truly afraid to count over and be proved right.  So I pretended she didn't exist and stuck her in a box and started something else.

Today, I bit the bullet and counted over from where I am, 44 stitches to what her total width will be.

And this is what I got (can you see the needle?):

 photo pfab2_zps60c08ce2.jpg

And I can live with that, and so can my framer. (Yes, I called her.)  She says she can sew on an extra strip of fabric and the mat will cover the join.  I can live with that, too.  I'm unbelievably relived!!!  I'm seriously thinking of leaving her out and cramming her into my rotation somewhere.

The fourth Angel, of course, is HAED's Guardian Angel.  Which is still at my parent's house, and which  has practically nothing done on it, anyway - so here's the picture of what he'll look like done and maybe for the Turtle Trot post I'll have some progress!

 photo GuardianAngel_zpsa72825af.jpg

Now I'm off to sort through some stash and WIPs in an attempt to choose something for the letter 'B'.


  1. Lovely angels and of course my favorite is the Guardian Angel. I did not do a lot on mine, some day I will get back to it...

  2. How wonderful that you have so many Angel charts started. I will be looking forward to your A-Z posts every day this month!

  3. Wow! You are so talented! I love all of them, but I think HAED's is my fave.

  4. I am so going to enjoy your A-Z posts this one. Looking forward to seeing what your working on. You have a lot of great angel designs started. (Are you up to the same amount of WIP's/UFO's as me?)


  5. Wow, those angels are all gorgeous! I like the first of them best, she seems so peaceful and old fashioned. Is the glitter floss on that piece troublesome at all? Sometimes, working on it in clumps makes my head buzz, but in your case, the end result is so nice that it has to be well worth it!

  6. WOW! These are lovely. I rarely had more than one project going at the same time! They will be worth the work!

  7. Very beautiful angels! It looks like you've got quite the challenge set up for this month- good luck finding patterns for all the letters!

  8. Gorgeous! You are so talented :D

  9. WOW what a great cross stitch response for A!! Love all your angels, they all look amazing. I can't wait to see what you get up to for B.

    Alicia xo
