My Huge Work in Progress List!


Thursday, April 4, 2013

C is for Cardinal

Once again, my A-Z posting is inspired by Turtle-Trot pieces : D

I started to do C is for Cat, then I got out the project for today and went, 'Heeeeeyyyy!'  Because I can show a WIP and some stash, to change things up.  I even had two little finishes.

C is for Cardinal Song!

As he shall look:
 photo card-3_zps91d26aaa.jpg

As he does look:
 photo cs1_zps622c572e.jpg

Awesome progress, yes? Lol!!! He hasn't been touched since he was started as a Crazy January Challenge start.  Since I didn't do the CJC this year, that should give you guys a hint as to the last time he was worked on.

And stash - I knew I had at least four kits with Cardinals featured:

Winter Cardinals, Elsa William's Bird Seasons, and Cardinals on Sled:
 photo ckits_zps7c428018.jpg

but I could not for the life of me find my other kit.  It was not in my the little plastic three-drawer shelf thingie with my other kits.  I know I own it, but my craft room is currently a disaster and I couldn't turn it up.  So here's a pic nabbed off the internet:

Bicycle Birds!
 photo bbs_zps18ae430d.jpg

I love cardinals - they're such a cheerful splash of color in the monochrome wintertime.  This challenge is not going to be easy on my willpower - I want to start every single one of these right now!

Anyway, here's a wee finished cardinal, one of my stocking set:
 photo sock12.jpg

And another, I think this one is called Snow Birds, and it was a freebie by the Drawn Thread? I think?  I know I stitched it mainly for the pretty red-bird!

 photo firstsnow.jpg

I also bought Christmas at Hawk Run Hollow mainly for the square with the Cardinal.  Haven't started that yet, either, but I will someday!


  1. Cardinals are so beautiful, esp. against the snow. I don't see many in my yard though. I really missed them when i lived out west.

  2. Wow, that's a really extensive post for one subject! All of the cardinal stuff is so cool! I was going to say that I definitely didn't have an equivalent to that in my collection, but then I remembered all of the 19th century French themed kits I had and decided not to type that. I love the last freebie, though! It's not a very complex design, but it's very pretty, especially those pine needles.

  3. Oh, Cardinals! I had them on my backyard while living in Ontario and I miss them a lot. Cardinals and Blue Jays - none of them in the Yukon...

  4. You remind me of me, I have many UFP but you know they will all get done in the fullness of time.

  5. Lol! What an awesome A to Z theme! Love all the Cardinal patterns, especially the Haed one.
    I think the way I'm going, hext year I moght be able to pull out a pattern for every letter too XD

  6. Part of me wishes I had enough stitches to do for the A to Z Challenge and the other part of me is grateful I don't have that much!! Besides, NO ONE can compete with you when it comes to WIP's! Well done!

  7. Love cardinals. too! Nice choice of projects!

  8. How nice to have a post of Cardinals instead of the typical Cats. I love these birds too, and have a few in my stash.
